Git Git for Windows SDK 1.0.3 build-extra - Additional files and scripts to help build Git for Windows on MSYS2.情報源: Release Git for Windows SDK 1.0.3... 2016-03-15 Git
.NET Announcing v16.1 of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Your official information source from the .NET Web Development and Tools group at Microsoft.情報源: Announcing v16.1 of the... 2016-03-15 .NETVisual Studioオブジェクト指向・システム開発
netduino/Galileo/MicroComputer WDがRaspberry Pi用HDD PiDriveを発売 情報源: WD's PiDrive gives your Raspberry Pi 314GB of storageWDがRasPi用USB接続のHDD、PiDriveを発売しました。容量は314GBです。またこのUSB HDDをRasPi... 2016-03-15 netduino/Galileo/MicroComputer