Memo Guest post – Desktop Bridge: il ponte tra le applicazioni Win32 e la Universal Windows Platform Memo.情報源: Guest post – Desktop Bridge: il ponte tra le applicazioni Win32 e la Universal Windows Platform 2016-09-15 MemoUWP/Windows8/WinRTWindowsオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Memo Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (KB3165756) 2016年9月分累積アップデート 情報源: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (KB3165756)詳細、ダウンロードは上リンク先から。2018/09/20 リンクアドレス更新 2016-09-15 MemoVisual Studio
UWP/Windows8/WinRT Apps built using the Desktop Bridge now available in the Windows Store! Memo.A few months ago, during Build 2016, we announced the Desktop Bridge, enabling developers to bring their existing d... 2016-09-15 UWP/Windows8/WinRTWindows
UWP/Windows8/WinRT Putting (my VB6) Windows Apps in the Windows 10 Store – Project Centennial 情報源: Putting (my VB6) Windows Apps in the Windows 10 Store - Project Centennialハンセルマン何やってんだよwということで、Desktop Bridgeを使用して、... 2016-09-15 UWP/Windows8/WinRTVisual StudioWindows