.NET F#の方向性の話 TL;DR We’ve moved the F# GitHub repository from microsoft/visualfsharp to dotnet/fsharp, as specified in the correspondi... 2019-05-21 .NETVisual Studioオブジェクト指向・システム開発
.NET ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3.5とRider 2018.3.5リリース Even after we roll out a new major version, older releases may still benefit from bugfix updates. This is why today we’r... 2019-05-17 .NETVisual Studioオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Memo PRP: Parallel Redundancy Protocol メモ。Parallel Redundancy Protocol - WikipediaPRP - The Wireshark WikiPRPはイーサネット冗長化のネットワークプロトコル。PRPはHSRと共にIEC 62439-3:2016に... 2019-05-17 Memoオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Memo Visual Studio Code April 2019 See what is new in the Visual Studio Code April 2019 Release (1.34)情報源: Visual Studio Code April 2019Memo. 2019-05-17 MemoVisual Studioオブジェクト指向・システム開発
.NET Create Interactive .NET Documentation with Try .NET Try .NET is an interactive documentation generator for .NET Core. Use the Try .NET global tool to create interactive mar... 2019-05-17 .NETMemoオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Git Exploring new frontiers for Git push performance In previous posts I’ve talked about performance improvements that our team contributed to the Git community. At Microsof... 2019-05-15 GitMemoオブジェクト指向・システム開発
.NET C# 8のinterfaceのデフォルト実装 Default implementations in interfaces With last week’s posts Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 5 and Visual Studio 2019 v... 2019-05-15 .NETMemoオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Linux/OSS WSL 2 Build後のFAQ After announcing WSL 2 last week, we have had an amazing response from the community and received many great questions a... 2019-05-14 Linux/OSSWindowsWSLオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Memo Windowsサービスの遅延実行と遅延時間の変更 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\(service name)\DelayedAutostart の値が1なら自動起動(遅延実行)の設定となっている。HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentCont... 2019-05-13 MemoWindowsオブジェクト指向・システム開発
UWP/Windows8/WinRT 「Windowsアプリケーション」の方向性 Today at Microsoft Build 2019, Rajesh Jha and I will have the opportunity to share how developers can connect with custo... 2019-05-12 UWP/Windows8/WinRTVisual StudioWindowsオブジェクト指向・システム開発