.NET .NET Core 1.1 Memo .NET Core 1.1に関する記事がMSDNブログに連投されていたので、リンクをメモ。 .NET Core 1.1 – Where to start? What is new?@Luís Henrique Demetrio .NET C... 2017-03-20 .NET
Xbox Forza Motorsport – Forza Week in Review 3-17-17 あぁ、湖の向こう側に行きたい。 Forza Motorsport 情報源: Forza Motorsport - Forza Week in Review 3-17-17 今週の週報。 Forza 6 Update 火曜日に先月のアップデー... 2017-03-18 Xboxゲーム
Windows Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15061 for PC Hello Windows Insiders! Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15061 for PC to Windows In... 2017-03-18 Windows
Windows Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15060 for PC Hello Windows Insiders! Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15060 for PC to Windows In... 2017-03-17 Windows
.NET Announcing Nightly Releases for the Visual F# Tools | .NET Blog Memo. A first-hand look from the .NET engineering teams 情報源: Announcing Nightly Releases for the Visual F# Tools | .NET ... 2017-03-16 .NETVisual Studioオブジェクト指向・システム開発
Microsoft Introducing Microsoft Data Amp Memo. Official News from Microsoft’s Information Platform 情報源: Introducing Microsoft Data Amp | SQL Server Blog 4/19からMS... 2017-03-16 MicrosoftMS SQL Server / RDB
Xbox #Forzathon A Shamrockin’ Good Time(ハッピーセントパトリックズデー) #ForzaHorizon3 3/17~3/20まで。日本時間では金曜日17時開始です。 虹の終わりにあるお宝は見つかるかな。 追記(2017/03/17 15:36): Remember to reboot if achievements or gifts don't... 2017-03-15 Xboxゲーム
Windows Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15058 for PC Hello Windows Insiders! Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15058 for PC to Windows In... 2017-03-15 Windows
Git Release Git Credential Manager for Windows 1.9.0 Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows - Secure Git credential storage for Windows with support for Visual Studio Team Servi... 2017-03-14 GitVisual Studio
Python Python support in Visual Studio 2017 情報源: Released: Python support in Visual Studio 2017 – Python Engineering at Microsoft 現状製品版のVS2017ではPythonのサポートがありません。 P... 2017-03-14 PythonVisual Studio