Microsoft Azure

Cloud Computing

Memo: Azureのキーを誤ってGitHubにアップロードさせないようにするためのVS拡張やMSの取り組みなど

@kosimoebiさんに教えていただきました。さすがRD。という事でMemo。Managing Secrets Securely in the Cloud | The Visual Studio BlogAzure Services Au...
Cloud Computing

Azure IoT Reference Architecture – MSのペーパー

.NET, Cloud and everything情報源: Azure IoT Reference Architecture | Wriju's BLOGMicrosoft Azure IoT services- Reference Ar...

Working with Azure IoT data in Azure SQL Database

情報源: Working with Azure IoT data in Azure SQL Database | SQL Server Database Engine BlogMemo.
Cloud Computing

SQL Server on Linux を Azure Linux 仮想マシンで使用する場合の注意点について – Microsoft SQL Server Japan Support Team Blog

情報源: SQL Server on Linux を Azure Linux 仮想マシンで使用する場合の注意点について – Microsoft SQL Server Japan Support Team BlogMemo.
Cloud Computing

Microsoft IoT Central broadens reach with simplicity of SaaS for enterprise-grade IoT

情報源: Microsoft IoT Central broadens reach with simplicity of SaaS for enterprise-grade IoT - Internet of ThingsIoT Hubから...

Visual Studio 15.5 Preview 2でのASP.NETのパブリッシュの機能追加

Your official information source from the .NET Web Development and Tools group at Microsoft.情報源: Recent updates for publ...

Azure Notebooks(AzureでのJupyter Notebooksのホスト)

情報源: Run book Run! From physical paper to executable online books | The Visual Studio BlogAzure Notebooksと言うタイトルでMicroso...
Microsoft Azure

Announcing support for X.509 CA on Azure IoT Hub

Announcing support for X.509 Certificates Authorities (X.509 CA) on Azure IoT Hub. Simplifies creation of initial unique...
Cloud Computing

SQL Server 2017 は10月2日に一般公開

情報源: SQL Server 2017 generally available on October 2nd… – SQL Server According to BobSQL Server 2017はLinux版を含め10月2日にGA(...
Cloud Computing


Microsoft Azure is now available in 36 regions around the world, with plans announced for 6 additional regions. As the d...