

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16193 for PC + Build 15213 for Mobile

情報源: Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16193 for PC + Build 15213 for Mobile - Windows Experience BlogWindows ...

ReSharper Ultimate 2017.1.2: unit testing, TypeScript, C++ fixes – .NET Tools Blog.NET Tools Blog

We’ve got a new bug-fix update for you: please welcome ReSharper Ultimate 2017.1.2. ReSharper adds 70+ fixes. This inclu...

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16184 for PC + Build 15208 for Mobile 

Hello Windows Insiders! Today we are excited to be a) hosting our very first Insider webcast from the brand new #BeamMac...

C++ Unit Testing in Visual Studio

Testing is an increasingly important part of a software development workflow. In many cases, it is insufficient to test ...

File System Improvements to the Windows Subsystem for Linux

This is part of a series of blog posts on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). For background information you may want...

Visual Studio 2017のインストールキャッシュを移動、無効にする方法

Memo. 情報源: Moving or disabling the package cache for Visual Studio 2017 | Setup & Install by Heath Stewart コマンドラインで無効にする...

Visual Studio 2017のPython Toolsは多言語化されるらしい

情報源: Python tools in your language – Python Engineering at Microsoft つぎのリリースプレビューではPython Toolsが多言語化されるようです。日本語も含まれます。

COM Server and OLE Document support for the Desktop Bridge

The Windows 10 Creators Update adds out-of-process (OOP) COM and OLE support for apps on the Desktop Bridge – a.k.a Pack...

WCF: Message Security limitation with TLS 1.2 protocol 

情報源: WCF: Message Security limitation with TLS 1.2 protocol – saurabs

End of Support for Visual Studio 2008 – in One Year

Memo. 2018年4月10日でサポート終了。 The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team 情報源: End of Supp...