The upgrade wizard does not pop-up when you load a Visual Studio 2010 project in Visual Studio vNext. It just loads . You can build the project using Visual Studio 2010 tools in Visual Studio vNext using the multi targeting feature, which I will explain more below. This means while you adapt to using the new compiler and your 3rd parties vendors provide you with binaries compatible with the Visual Studio vNext compiler you can still leverage the new Visual Studio vNext IDE without disrupting your ship cycle. Just set the platform toolset property to v100 in the property pages requires Visual Studio 2010 to be installed side-by-side with Visual Studio vNext. Since there is no upgrade while you are using the Visual Studio 2010 tools v100 to build you can continue load the project/solution in Visual Studio 2010 as well.
次バージョン(vNext)のVisual C++ではVS2010のプロジェクトファイルもサポートされ、VS2010のプロジェクトを開く場合にはアップグレードウイザードの類も起動されずにそのまま開けるとのこと。また、マルチターゲットもサポートされ、VS2010かvNextでビルドするかプロジェクト単位で選択できるようになるようです。