The final events for Series 6 of Forza Horizon 5 are now available, as the heat in Mexico turns up a notch.
Spring forms the last week for each Series, giving one more chance for players to pick up the points they need for the seasonal rewards by way of a fresh set of challenges.
Series 6 is themed around customization. “Horizon Customs” refers not only to modified cars, but some of the wild changes possible in custom races using the powerful EventLab tool.
Alongside the custom events, Drift Club features heavily in S6. This new Horizon Story is part of the Monthly Challenge across the Series, so although it’s available at any time you’ll get points for doing so before Series 7 starts, to help with your completion stats.
There’s also new cars to collect — and a new Evolving World Accolade for picking up all four of the Playlist cars this Series — along with new collectibles and new EventLab props to play with.
With the larger Playlist compared to some recent Series, there’s 230 points now available across the four weeks, and the lower prize point requirements and playlist exclusive cars set as the first reward means it’s easier than ever to complete your fleet.
Forza Horizon 5 Season Change: Rite of Spring – GTPlanet
残るは少しトリッキーなトレジャーハント。Fine Tunedの説明文は「自分のチューンを見つける前に疾走しようとすると、勝つのは難しいぞ」というもので、解読するのに少し努力が必要です。
それをクリアすると、地図上に宝のヒントが表示されます。赤い丸で囲われた場所に宝箱があり、今週プラヤアズールで開催されるApex Festivalの近くにあるのです。チェスト自体は、会場のすぐ北にある橋の下にあります。

horizon promoはあと2台だけ!FE車!AMGのONE 2021とDELUXE FIVE-WINDOWだけ!持ってる人がEVENTLABかSUPER7のチャレンジカードを作ってくれればOKなんだけど!DELUXE FIVE-WINDOWの方はコントローラを買えばOKなんだけどね!
AMG ONE FEの入手方法は何でしょう?
DELUXE FIVEーWINDOW FEは持ってるけど、DLCライセンスを持ってないらしく、乗れないんだよなぁ。
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